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  1. Top Workplaces
  2. Rick's Cafe Boatyard

Rick's Cafe Boatyard

Welcome to Rick's Café Boatyard, an iconic gem in the Indianapolis restaurant scene! Nestled by the picturesque Eagle Creek Reservoir, this beloved establishment offers a unique blend of delectable cuisine, stunning waterfront views, and a rich history that has made it a cherished destination for both locals and visitors.

The diverse menu at Rick's Café Boatyard is a culinary journey that caters to every palate. From fresh seafood to savory steaks, flavorful pasta dishes, and mouthwatering appetizers, there's something for everyone to savor. The chefs at Rick's take pride in creating a dining experience that reflects their commitment to quality and variety.

What truly sets Rick's apart is its breathtaking location. Situated by the Eagle Creek Reservoir, patrons can enjoy their meals while taking in the serene beauty of the waterfront. The accessible outdoor seating provides an ideal spot for guests to relax and revel in the scenic views.
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The purpose of our restaurant is to offer a welcoming haven where patrons can immerse themselves in a dining experience that seamlessly blends rich history, diverse flavors, a strong work ethic, and a customer-centric focus. Our goal is to create a warm and inclusive environment where everyone feels like part of the family. Through our sought-after, delicious dishes, we aim to not just satisfy appetites but to craft moments that become cherished memories. The heart of our purpose lies in celebrating the unique culture we've cultivated—one that values tradition, diversity, hard work, and the joy of sharing exceptional food with our extended family of customers.... Read more


Our vision is to be a cherished dining destination, which seamlessly meshes history, a variety of flavors, hard work, and customer joy. We strive to carry on Rick's legacy, creating a place where every bite and moment reflect our commitment to excellence and a sense of belonging.... Read more


Our mission at Rick's Café Boatyard is to offer a diverse menu of delicious, sought-after food, set against the backdrop of our rich history and alongside the serene views of Eagle Creek Reservoir. Fueled by a hard work ethic, we aim to create a welcoming culture that values diversity and prioritizes customer satisfaction. We are dedicated to carrying on Rick's legacy, crafting moments that celebrate our unique identity and making every dining experience exceptional for our extended family of patrons.... Read more

Additional Culture Details

At Rick's Café Boatyard, we believe that friendship is the heart of our shared experiences, diversity is the melody that enriches our journey, and peer motivation is the driving force behind our collective success. Together, we celebrate the bonds of camaraderie, embrace the richness of our differences, and inspire each other to reach new heights, creating a vibrant and inclusive community that defines the essence of Rick's Café... Read more


Unity: Embracing diversity and fostering a sense of togetherness among our team and patrons.

Excellence: Striving for culinary and service excellence to create exceptional dining experiences.

Legacy: Honoring and carrying forward the rich history and legacy of Rick's Café.

Customer-Centric: Prioritizing the satisfaction and well-being of our customers, treating them as cherished members of our extended family.

Hard Work: Upholding a strong work ethic to ensure the highest quality in every aspect of our operation.

Inclusivity: Creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcomed and valued.

Friendship: Recognizing the significance of meaningful connections and friendships within our community.

Motivation: Inspiring and supporting each other to achieve personal and collective success.

Deliciousness: Dedication to crafting sought-after, mouthwatering dishes that delight the taste buds.

Serene Hospitality: Offering a warm and inviting atmosphere.


indianapolis, IN


150 US Employees



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